Russell’s Review: Mangrove Jack’s Kveik Yeast

The three defining characteristics of the Mangrove Jack’s Kveik Yeast yeast are the fermentation temperature, the fermentation speed and the flavour profile of the yeast.

The Kveik yeast is capable of fermenting at very high temperatures without creating off-flavours which makes it an exceptionally versatile yeast especially for anyone brewing over Summer within ambient temperatures (without temperature control). And relatively speaking the yeast is a fast fermenting yeast strain meaning it is likely your brew will finish fermentation sooner than normal.

The packet describes the yeast strain as producing ‘subtle citrus flavours’. I think subtle is subject to the definition of the consumer but for me I would argue the yeast creates a mid-strong citrus note in your flavour profile depending on whether you use one or two packets for fermentation.

My view is that the yeast is best suited to ales and will work especially well in ‘juicy’ recipes that can balance out the citrus notes created in the flavour profile.

If you are looking for an easy way to explore this yeast I would suggest brewing the Mangrove Jack’s Craft Series Kveik IPA which will give you a strong sense for this yeast and the context in which it will work well.


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