Home Brew Republic Special Offers, Loyalty Programme and eGift Cards

This page provides specific information about current promotional offers and e-Gift Cards that are available to customers using the homebrewrepublic.co.nz

We will include information like what the offer is, how the offer works, conditions for participation and who the offer is available to.

e-Gift Cards or any offer is also subject to our full Terms and Conditions and Shipping, Returns and Refunds policy.

We like to be good folk. If you’ve got a question or think we might have miscommunicated anything, you can send us an email at brew@homebrewrepublic.co.nz and we’ll make sure we do the right thing by you.

Home Brew Republic Loyalty Programme

We offer a loyalty rewards programme for customers using the www.homebrewrepublic.co.nz website.

The programme allows customers to earn Brew Republic Points (points) when products are purchased or when customers complete incentivised actions. Points can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases.

Users can only earn points, or claim discounts from points when logged into a registered user account on the website.

How You Can Earn Points on Purchases

Points are earned by customers at a rate of 10 points for every $1 New Zealand dollar a customer spends. Points will only be applied to orders that are $60 (sixty dollars) and over based on items priced at full recommended value.

Points are not calculated or applied freight and shipping charges, on products with discounted prices or that are part of other special offers. Points are not calculated or applied to orders where points or store credits are applied to the cart. Customers will only earn points when purchasing products that are priced at their normal retail price.

For example, if a customer places an order that includes 3 x beer kits priced at their full recommended retail price of $20 each, one discounted item that is on sales for a reduced price of $15 and then has shipping charges of $10, the total order value will be $85. The order qualifies to receive points because there are products (the three beer kits) that are over the minimum threshold of $50 for full priced items. The full priced items are a total of $60 which will earn 600 points for the customer, which could be exchanged for a $3 cash discount on future orders.

Customers will only earn points for orders that are processed while logged into an active account on homebrewrepublic.co.nz. Points will not be calculated or accrued for any orders processed using a guest checkout. Customers cannot retrospectively request points for past orders after an account has been created.

How You Can Earn Points on Incentivised Actions (First Order Bonus)

There are actions you can take on homebrewrepublic.co.nz that make it easier for us to deliver a great service to you or help other customers to have a better shopping experience.

Whenever a customer completes an action which we have included in our loyalty programme on homebrewrepublic.co.nz, while logged into their account, we’ll give them points.

The actions we currently give customers points for are 500 points for completing a first order or 500 points for registering a new user account. 

How You Know How Many Points You Have

Customers can see their current balance of Brew Republic Points by logging into their account and viewing ‘My Brew Republic Points’ in account information.

How You Can Redeem Your Points for Discounts

There are two ways a customer can redeem their rewards points for discounts. The easiest way is to apply points for discount at the checkout.

On the checkout page available reward points and the value of potential discount will be displayed and can be manually applied by customers.

Customers can also redeem their points by creating a promotional code when they access ‘My Brew Republic Points’ in account information. The promotional code can be entered manually on the checkout page to apply the discount. The promotional code is only valid for the account that it was created from, and the user must be logged in at the time of checkout for the promotional code to work.

There are no minimum points required for redemption. Customers can redeem points at a rate (or portion or factor thereof) of 200 points for 1 (one) New Zealand dollar. Points are valid for 180 days from the date they are created. Any points unused will expire. Points that are redeemed for a promotional code, but not used will expire after 30 (thirty) days. Points are not transferable to another account.

Home Brew Republic e-Gift Cards

We offer e-Gift Cards. The following terms and conditions apply where you use or purchase a Home Brew Republic e-Gift Card.

e-Gift Cards are issued by Home Brew Republic Limited (“Home Brew Republic”) and are redeemable for merchandise sold on homebrewrepublic.co.nz.

The person purchasing the e-Gift Card is referred to as the “Contributor”. The person redeeming the e-Gift Card is referred to as the “Recipient”.

e-Gift Cards are purchased in fixed denominations. The minimum denomination is $25 and the maximum is $150. 

Our website allows the Contributor to email the e-Gift card to themselves, as a recipient or to a third party Recipient. Contributors can email the e-Gift Card to the recipient’s nominated email address immediately on purchase or on a nominated date. (“Nominated Date”), provided the nominated date is not in the past. Once set a nominated email address and a nominated date cannot be changed.

If you allow another person to take possession of your e-Gift Card, you must tell that person they will be bound by these terms.

e-Gift Cards may not be used for any other purpose. Purchase with an e-Gift Card is as if the purchase was made by way of cash payment. e-Gift cards may not be redeemed for cash. They are not legal tender, account cards, credit or debit cards or securities.

The bearer of an e-Gift Card can elect to use any portion of the value on any purchase. Any remaining balance will continue to be available using the same unique code on the e-Gift Card. The bearer may not consolidate the balances of several e-Gift Cards onto a new e-Gift Card.  

e-Gift Cards are valid for 365 days from the date or purchase. After expiry, the e-Gift card is no longer valid, and the unique code will be invalid at the checkout.

We recommend e-Gift Cards are held in a secure place. Lost of stolen e-Gift Cards will not be replaced. Any person holding the gift card may be able to use it to make purchases. Home Brew Republic will take no responsibility if the e-Gift card is obtained and used by the wrong person, where the wrong email address is used by the Contributor or where the e-Gift Card is lost or stolen, unless this is the fault of Home Brew Republic.

All gift e-Gift Cards are sold on a no refund, exchange, or cancellation basis. 

Home Brew Republic Enter2Win Competition

We run an Enter2Win competition for a Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Cider Kit and a Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Beer Kit each calendar month. 

The full details and terms and conditions for this competition can be found on the Home Brew Republic Enter2Win Competition page